Consciousness and Cognition: Alert 30 January-06 February

New articles available on ScienceDirect
Volume 58, Pages 1-192, February 2018 Consciousness and Cognition
Volume 58, Pages 1-192, February 2018

Editorial Board   
Page ii
  Regular Articles
Replication and extension of long-term implicit memory: Perceptual priming but conceptual cessation    Original Research Article
Pages 1-9
David B. Mitchell, Corwin L. Kelly, Alan S. Brown
Slow and steady, not fast and furious: Slow temporal modulation strengthens continuous flash suppression    Original Research Article
Pages 10-19
Shui'er Han, Randolph Blake, David Alais
Is an off-task mind a freely-moving mind? Examining the relationship between different dimensions of thought    Original Research Article
Pages 20-33
Caitlin Mills, Quentin Raffaelli, Zachary C. Irving, Dylan Stan, Kalina Christoff
The part-whole perception of emotion    Original Research Article
Pages 34-43
Trip Glazer
Daydreams incorporate recent waking life concerns but do not show delayed ('dream-lag') incorporations    Original Research Article
Pages 51-59
Elaine van Rijn, Alexander M. Reid, Christopher L. Edwards, Josie E. Malinowski, Perrine M. Ruby, Jean-Baptiste Eichenlaub, Mark T. Blagrove
Highly relevant stimuli may passively elicit processes associated with consciousness during the sleep onset period    Original Research Article
Pages 60-74
Paniz Tavakoli, Sonia Varma, Kenneth Campbell

Graphical abstract

Target meta-awareness is a necessary condition for physiological responses to masked emotional faces: Evidence from combined skin conductance and heart rate assessment    Original Research Article
Pages 75-89
Myron Tsikandilakis, Peter Chapman, Jonathan Peirce
Subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses to the rubber hand illusion do not vary with age in the adult phase    Original Research Article
Pages 90-96
Priscila Palomo, Adrián Borrego, Ausiàs Cebolla, Roberto Llorens, Marcelo Demarzo, Rosa M. Baños
Susceptibility to unconscious influences is unaffected by a challenging inhibitory task or mental exhaustion    Original Research Article
Pages 111-123
Angela Gurney, Anna-Nepheli L. Lagos, Abigail Manning, Ryan B. Scott
Autobiographical memory sources of threats in dreams    Original Research Article
Pages 124-135
Alexandre Lafrenière, Monique Lortie-Lussier, Allyson Dale, Raphaëlle Robidoux, Joseph De Koninck
Can false memory for critical lures occur without conscious awareness of list words?    Original Research Article
Pages 136-157
Daniel D. Sadler, Sharon M. Sodmont, Lucas A. Keefer
Emotional prediction: An ALE meta-analysis and MACM analysis    Original Research Article
Pages 158-169
Guangming Ran, Xiaojun Cao, Xu Chen
The wandering self: Tracking distracting self-generated thought in a cognitively demanding context    Original Research Article
Pages 170-185
Stefan Huijser, Marieke K. van Vugt, Niels A. Taatgen
"As long as that is my hand, that willed action is mine": Timing of agency triggered by body ownership    Original Research Article
Pages 186-192
Dalila Burin, Maria Pyasik, Irene Ronga, Marco Cavallo, Adriana Salatino, Lorenzo Pia
Anosognosia, denial of illness and the right hemisphere dominance for emotions: Some historical and clinical notes    Review Article
Pages 44-50
Guido Gainotti
The neuropsychophysiology of tingling    Review Article
Pages 97-110
Benedek T. Tihanyi, Eszter Ferentzi, Florian Beissner, Ferenc Köteles

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