Cea mai importanta poezie universala

                                    I   F        



                                                           Rudyard Kipling


If you can keep your head ,when all about you are losing theirs  and blaming it on you 

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you  but make allowance for their doubting too

And wait and not be tired of waiting

Or being lied about don t deal in lies

Or being haited don t give to hate

And so don t look too good nor talk too


If you can dream but not make  dreams your master

Or you can think ,but not make your thinks your aim

If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat these two impostors just the same

If you can bear to hear the truth yo ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools

And stoop and bild them up with worn out tools


If you can make a heap of all your winnings

And play them on pitch and toss and loose

And never breathe a word about your loss

If you can force your heart and nerves and sinew

To hold on when there is nothing in them except hold on

If you talk to crowds nor loose your common touch

Or walks with kings nor loose your virtue


If neither foe nor loving frend can hurt you

If every one count with you but noone too much

If you can feel the unforgible minute

With sixty seconds of distance run

Your  ll be the world ,with everything that in it

And wich is more you ll be a man,my son


Editorial Octombrie


        In evolutia oricarei persoane, odata cu maturitatea se produce o ingustare a lumii si o adincire a ei, proces prin care se implineste si persoana. Putini reusesc, multi incearca iar altii renunta dela inceput.
        Curios e ca  galagia cea mai mare o fac cei pseudo, fara contributii reale, fara prea multa carte si fara mult efort se baga in fata, apar la tv, critica, dau sentinte, se lauda din orice, promit desi nu fac nimic, ataca valorile, fac ierarhii cu ei in frunte. Sunt de fapt niste psihopati neexpertizati care fac legea si pun in umbra atat trecutul umanitatii cat si personalitatile prezente si adevarate.
        Cum este posibil asa ceva?
         Este posibil pentru ca cei pseudo n-au caracter, sunt cameleoni oportunisti care traiesc si exploateaza orice moment, neavind nicio consecventa, niciun cuvant. Sunt strict pragmatici si poate sa piara universul, ei sa reuseasca. Este o monstruozitate naturala si atemporala. Frontul normalilor nu exista asa ca acesti daunatori prolifereaza. Aceasta smecherie apre naivilor ca inteligenta. De altfel au grija sa aibe multe atestate, certificate, diplome de la noi si din afara. Le pun pe pereti. Reclama e sufletul comertului si al lor. Ei vindeca orice: batrinete, cancer, impotenta etc. Merg la toate congresele, isi prezinta "descoperirile" lor, pe restul le neaga.
         Nu va temeti de ei. Vedeti-va de treaba. Vedeti care e adevarul. Vor trece ca praful luat de vintul istoriei. Sau poate va apare un vaccin?

Electroconvulsive Therapy:A Perspective on the Evolution

Payne NA et al. – The goal of the article in this two–part series is to provide an overview of ECT's historical development and discuss the current state of knowledge about ECT, including technical aspects of delivery, patient selection, its side–effect profile, and factors that may contribute to underuse of ECT.

Eat soybeans to prevent diseases

Soybeans contain high levels of several health–beneficial compounds including tocopherols, which have antioxidant properties. These molecules can be used in the development of functional foods, which have specific health–beneficial properties and can be used in the treatment or prevention of diseases. Tocopherols exist in four forms of which gamma–tocopherol is found in greatest concentration in soybeans. However, alpha–tocopherol has the greatest antioxidant activity, and is the form converted to vitamin E in the human body.


Evaluation of atomoxetine for first-line treatment

Evaluation of atomoxetine for first-line treatment of newly diagnosed, treatment-naïve children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Current Medical Research and Opinion, 09/30/09

Montoya A et al. – A continued improvement of symptoms is expectable until 12 weeks in treatment–naïve ADHD patients treated with atomoxetine as first–line medication. Chief limitations are the small, national sample size and the absence of data beyond the 12–week time–point.


Codependenţa se poate defini ca dependenţă de anumite persoane, comportamente sau obiecte. Codependenţă este nereuşita de a-ţi controla sentimentele, compensată prin controlul exercitat asupra oamenilor, obiectelor sau evenimentelor exterioare. Pentru codependenţi, controlul sau lipsa acestuia este elementul central al fiecărui aspect al vieţii lor.

Gasiti mai jos doua carti in format PDF scrise de dr. Robert Hemfelt, dr. Frank Minirth si dr. Paul Meier.

Labirintul codependentei


Iesirea din labirint


Medscape October

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"I have a Chemical Imbalance" - Helpful or Unhelpful Perspective?

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*Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Obesity and Reproductive Implications CME

Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, MD, PhD

Authors and Disclosures

CME Released: 08/24/2009; Valid for credit through 08/24/2010

Target Audience

This activity is intended for primary care clinicians, obstetricians and gynecologists, endocrinologists, and other specialists who care for women.


The goal of this activity is to review the clinical criteria for diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome and its complications and management strategies.

Authors and Disclosures

Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, MD, PhD
Department of Woman & Child Health, Division of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Disclosure: Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, MD, PhD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Elisa Manzotti
Editorial Director, Future Science Group, London, United Kingdom
Disclosure: Elisa Manzotti has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Désirée Lie, MD, MSEd
Clinical Professor, Family Medicine, University of California, Orange; Director, Division of Faculty Development, UCI Medical Center, Orange, California
Disclosure: Désirée Lie, MD, MSEd, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  2. Identify clinical consequences of androgen excess in women with PCOS
  3. Describe long-term risks associated with PCOS
  4. Describe the effects of PCOS on pregnancy outcomes
  5. Describe the effect of metformin on PCOS

Credits Available

Physicians - maximum of 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™

All other healthcare professionals completing continuing education credit for this activity will be issued a certificate of participation.

Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Accreditation Statements

For Physicians

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of MedscapeCME and Future Medicine Ltd.

MedscapeCME is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

MedscapeCME designates this educational activity for a maximum of 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ . Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Contact This Provider

For questions regarding the content of this activity, contact the accredited provider for this CME/CE activity noted above. For technical assistance, contact CME@medscape.net

CME Released: 08/24/2009; Valid for credit through 08/24/2010

Instructions for Participation and Credit

There are no fees for participating in or receiving credit for this online educational activity. For information on applicability and acceptance of continuing education credit for this activity, please consult your professional licensing board.

This activity is designed to be completed within the time designated on the title page; physicians should claim only those credits that reflect the time actually spent in the activity. To successfully earn credit, participants must complete the activity online during the valid credit period that is noted on the title page.

Follow these steps to earn CME/CE credit*:

  1. Read the target audience, learning objectives, and author disclosures.
  2. Study the educational content online or printed out.
  3. Online, choose the best answer to each test question. To receive a certificate, you must receive a passing score as designated at the top of the test. MedscapeCME encourages you to complete the Activity Evaluation to provide feedback for future programming.

You may now view or print the certificate from your CME/CE Tracker. You may print the certificate but you cannot alter it. Credits will be tallied in your CME/CE Tracker and archived for 6 years; at any point within this time period you can print out the tally as well as the certificates by accessing "Edit Your Profile" at the top of your Medscape homepage.

*The credit that you receive is based on your user profile.

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MedscapeCME is accessible using the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6.x or higher, Firefox 2.x or higher, Safari 2.x or higher. Certain educational activities may require additional software to view multimedia, presentation or printable versions of their content. These activities will be marked as such and will provide links to the required software. That software may be: Macromedia Flash, Adobe Acrobat, or Microsoft PowerPoint.

Abstract and Introduction


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting 5-10% of women of reproductive age. The syndrome is characterized by anovulation, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries. Furthermore, PCOS is associated with insulin resistance and obesity, which is present in approximately 50% of women with PCOS. Reproductive function in women with PCOS is strongly dependent on bodyweight and metabolic status. Obesity is associated with an increased risk of infertility and may also have a negative influence on pregnancy outcome. Considering the worldwide epidemic of obesity, clinical problems relating to PCOS may worsen and increase in frequency. Lifestyle interventions resulting in weight loss comprise the most successful strategy to improve symptoms of PCOS. However, many patients fail to lose weight or may quickly regain weight. It is an important challenge to develop effective lifestyle programs and adjuvant pharmacologic treatments in order to improve reproductive and metabolic health among women with PCOS

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neurology oct.

How Should We Manage Drug Interactions Between Clopidogrel and Proton-Pump Inhibitors?
Medscape Pharmacists , 2009-09-22

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neurology oct

Psychogenic Pain or Peripheral Neuropathy?
Medscape Neurology & Neurosurgery , 2009-09-23

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medscape audio oct.

Treating Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2009-09-23

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Biomarker Predicts Response to Antidepressant Treatment
Medscape Medical News , 2009-09-17

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Biomarker Predicts Response to Antidepressant Treatment
Medscape Medical News , 2009-09-17

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news oct.

Smoking, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes May Lead to Dementia
Medscape Medical News CME , 2009-09-01

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The Process of Recovery in Depression: From the Initial Treatment to a Successful Outcome
null , 2009-08-10




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The Neurobiology of Schizophrenia: An Expert Interview With Joshua L. Roffman, MD
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health , 2009-08-11





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Mediterranean Diet, Physical Activity Linked to Lower Alzheimer's Risk
Medscape Medical News CME , 2009-08-14




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Fruits, Vegetables and Coronary Heart Disease
Nature Reviews Cardiology , 2009-09-01




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Stroke-Related Depression: Behavioral Therapy Plus Antidepressants More Effective Than Medication Alone
Medscape Medical News CME , 2009-08-20



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Clinical Decision-Making in Multiple Sclerosis
null , 2009-08-24

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Use of Low-Dose Aspirin in Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events Not Recommended
Heartwire , 2009-08-30

Medlinks news

Thomas SJ et al. – Memantine is an uncompetitive N–methyl–D–aspartate receptor antagonist with moderate affinity. Its mechanism of action is neuroprotective and potentially therapeutic in several neuropsychiatric diseases. It has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease (AD) either as a monotherapy or in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors. This review covers key studies of memantine’s safety and efficacy in treating moderate to severe AD. It also covers current research into other dementias including but not exclusively mild AD and vascular dementia. Other studies on the efficacy of memantine for other neuropsychiatric diseases are discussed. Memantine is a safe and effective drug that merits further research on several topics. Clinicians should be aware of new studies and potential uses of memantine because of its safety and efficacy

Medscape audio- video

Medscape video

At the Turning Point in Effective and Equitable Stroke Care

Joseph L. Schindler, MD

Click : http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/707743?src=mp&spon=26&uac=116354HN





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Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation-Related Stroke
MedscapeCME Cardiology , 2009-08-27






Noutati de Diagnostic si Tratament - Oct

*Tips to Find a Good-Enough Doctor

Tuesday September 15, 2009

Categories: Food and Health
doctor art.jpg

Inspired from all the comments she received from my interview with her on chronic illness, Dr. Elvira Aletta compiled some suggestions for finding a good-enough doctor. In her Psych Central post called "Tips to Find a Good-Enough Doctor," she throws out three basic qualities she looks for in a doctor:

  • Expertise, knowledge, intellectual curiosity and all the right credentials.

  • Warm, receptive, a good listener and communicator. The bedside manner thing.

  • A well-run office, with smart, efficient support & medical staff.

Then she follows up with a few more points to keep in mind while shopping for a doctor:

  • If you are in doubt, interview several doctors as if they were applying for a job and you are the employer. If you don't feel comfortable with your doctor or what s/he is telling you, get a second opinion. Don't even worry about hurting anyone's feelings. They are professionals and can handle it. If they can't and give you a hard time, run, do not walk, to the nearest exit.
  • Only the actual physical examination needs to be done in the examining room with you in a hospital gown. Any good-enough doctor would allow you to change into street clothes and sit comfortably in a chair for the important post-exam conversation.
  • If you want the best, search for your doctor among the medical faculty of a teaching hospital. Medical centers tied to a medical school, teaching hospitals are where the medical students and residents do their training. The faculty who teach and supervise there know the latest diagnostic procedures, tests and treatments because they have to teach it. Putting up with the gaggle of med students (who make Doogie Howser look like a geezer) is worth it as long as your doctor hears you.
  • A good-enough doctor will admit when he/she doesn't have the answer but will work with you to figure out a plan, maybe even try something experimental if you're willing.
  • Trust your gut. Filter out what others say, focus on what your physician is saying and make your own judgment. Don't micromanage your doctor, but don't just be a Yes person either.
  • A good listening doctor can show compassion without getting all touchy-feely. If you need someone to pet you and say "Poor baby," (and we all do) go to your mother, a friend or your spouse. Don't expect it from your doctor.
  • Remember that doctors, just like the rest of us, are not perfect. If you found one who is good-enough, celebrate and get to work






*New textbook on pharmacology and drug discovery
EurekAlert, 09/16/09

This unique and much needed textbook meets the rapidly emerging needs of programs training pharmacologic scientists seeking careers in basic research and drug discovery rather than such applied fields as pharmacy and medicine. While the market is crowded with many clinical and therapeutic pharmacology textbooks, the field of pharmacology is booming with the prospects of discovering new drugs, and virtually no extant textbook meets this need at the student level. The industry is so bereft of such approaches that many pharmaceutical companies will look towards this book to help train new drug researchers.





*Iloperidone: In Schizophrenia
CNS Drugs, 09/16/09

  • Scott LJ – Iloperidone is an atypical antipsychotic that is approved for the treatment of adult patients with schizophrenia. Iloperidone was generally well tolerated and was associated with few extrapyramidal symptoms or changes in metabolic parameters in short– and longer–term clinical trials in adult patients with schizophrenia.




*The Five-Factor Model of Personality and Borderline Personality Disorder: A Genetic Analysis of Comorbidity
Biological Psychiatry, 09/16/09 Distel MA et al. – Borderline personality shares all genetic variation with neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion. The unique environmental influences specific to borderline personality may cause individuals with a specific pattern of personality traits to cross a threshold and develop borderline personality.




!!! * rev.news oct. metab si endocrin si medscape audio !!!






*Gothenburg researchers have discovered a previously unknown substance in spinal fluid that can be used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease. The findings, described in a thesis from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, will also be useful in research on new medications.




*Hori H et al. – The results suggest that olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets are effective and well–tolerated for treatment excitement in the acute phase of schizophrenic patients. In addition, it is p
ossible that adherence to medications is improved by using olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets




* terapia cognitiva si paroxetina

Greeven A et al. – The initial treatment effect of CBT and paroxetine sustained during the follow–up period. No significant differences between CBT and paroxetine were found. Treatment course could not be predicted by psychiatric comorbidity. CBT and paroxetine are both effective treatments for hypochondriasis in the long term.




*Arul–Anandam AP et al. – Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non–invasive brain stimulation technique that applies mild (typically 1–2 mA) direct currents via the scalp to enhance or diminish neuronal excitability. The technique has a dual function: on the one hand, it has been used to investigate the functions of various cortical regions; on the other, it has been used as an experimental treatment modality, most notably for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). With the growing utility of tDCS in psychiatry, it is important from the vantage of safety and effectiveness to understand its underlying neurobiological mechanisms.



*March JS et al. – The combination of fluoxetine and CBT appears to be superior to both CBT monotherapy and fluoxetine monotherapy as a treatment for moderate to severe major depressive disorder in adolescents.

*Acute changes in obsessions and compulsions following moderate-intensity aerobic exercise among patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 09/08/09



Abrantes AM et al. – Participants reported reductions in negative mood, anxiety, and OCD symptoms at the end of each exercise session relative to the beginning. Changes in the magnitude of the effect of exercise in reducing negative mood and anxiety remained fairly stable while levels of self–reported obsessions and compulsions decreased over the duration of the intervention. Results of this study point toward the promising effect of exercise for acute symptom reduction in patients with OCD.



*August 13, 2009 The relation between major depression and coronary artery disease across the lifespan is modest, with the sustained effect of coronary disease having a larger effect on the risk of subsequent depression, research shows.

*The Treatment for Adolescents With Depression Study (TADS): Outcomes Over 1 Year of Naturalistic Follow-Up
American Journal of Psychiatry, 09/03/09

In contrast to earlier reports on short–term treatments, in which worsening after treatment is the rule, the longer treatment in the TADS was associated with persistent benefits over 1 year of naturalistic follow–up.




*A new scale for assessing the quality of randomized clinical trials of psychotherapy
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 09/03/09

Kocsis JH et al. – The scale establishes a new standard for the design and execution of psychotherapy RCTs and provides a systematic empirical method for evaluating the quality of published RCTs.





*Detecting often undiagnosed pain in people with dementia
EurekAlert, 09/03/09

The elderly who suffer from dementia aren't able to say when something hurts or is sore. They may demonstrate their pain through behaviours like rocking or striking out, and we often dismiss these actions as symptoms of the dementia instead of pain, which is usually from a different problem. Arthritis, diabetic neuropathy, fractures, muscular contractures, bruises, abdominal pain and mouth ulcers are among the list of common ailments that go undetected





* terapia comportamentala in tb.somatoforme

Kroenke K – CBT is the best established treatment for a variety of somatoform disorders, with some benefit also demonstrated for a consultation letter to the primary care physician. Preliminary but not yet conclusive evidence exists for antidepressants




*Kelly DL et al. – Clozapine is beneficial to many patients with treatment–resistant symptoms; however, nonresponse to this medication may represent a subtype of patients who may present differently with symptoms. These findings should encourage further examination of early childhood indicators and opportunities for appropriate and effective intervention





*Persistent job insecurity poses a major threat to worker health, according to a new study published in the September issue of the peer–reviewed journal Social Science and Medicine.





*Clinical and economic ramifications of switching antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia
BMC Psychiatry, 09/04/09

Faries DE et al. – Switching antipsychotic medications was found to be associated with considerably poorer clinical and economic outcomes, as reflected by, more frequent and more rapid use of acute–care services compared with persons remaining on their initial treatments.




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First ESC Guidelines for Noncardiac Surgery Support Use of Beta Blockers
Heartwire , 2009-09-08





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Hormone Therapy May Increase Risk for Death in Men With Prostate Cancer and Heart Disease

Medscape Medical News CME , 2009-09-01