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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is recognized as a psychobiological mental disorder than can affect survivors not only of combat experience, but also terrorist attacks, natural disasters, serious accidents, assault or abuse, or even sudden and major emotional losses.
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Depathologizing The Borderline Client by Richard Schwartz – Healing Trauma Center

Depathologizing The Borderline Client By Richard Schwartz – Healing Trauma Center

Learning to Manage Our Fears

Inevitably, given their history of trauma, many borderline clients will trigger their therapists from time to time. But forgoing the urge to blame these clients and taking responsibility for what’s happening inside you can become a turning point in therapy.

I’ve specialized in treating survivors of severe sexual abuse for many years, which means that many of my clients fit the diagnostic profile of borderline personality disorder. Therapists typically dread these clients since they can be among their most difficult, unpredictable, and unnerving. My clients have often been highly suicidal—some threatening suicide to manipulate me, and others making serious attempts to kill themselves. Many have been prone to self-harm, cutting their arms or torsos and showing me the raw, open wounds. I’ve known them to binge on alcohol to the point of ruining their health, to drive under the influence, and to show up drunk for sessions. Sometimes they’ve acted out by stealing and getting caught or exploding into such rage in traffic or on the street that lives were actually in danger. more

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Research Design for Mixed Methods: A Triangulation-based Framework and Roadmap by Scott F. Turner, Laura B. Cardinal, and Richard M. Burton
Storytelling Diamond: An Antenarrative Integration of the Six Facets of Storytelling in Organization Research Design by Grace Ann Rosile, David M. Boje, Donna M. Carlon, Alexis Downs, and Rohny Saylors
Advancing Multilevel Research Design: Capturing the Dynamics of Emergence by Steve W. J. Kozlowski, Georgia T. Chao, James A. Grand, Michael T. Braun, and Goran Kuljanin
Best-Practice Recommendations for Defining, Identifying, and Handling Outliers by Herman Aguinis, Ryan K. Gottfredson, and Harry Joo
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IPI Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy Course begins September 7

   Psychoanalytic Couple
 Therapy Course

In person or distance learning 
   begins September 7

Special Topics in the Theory, Technique,  

and Practice of Couple Therapy 
Wednesdays, 9:45-11:45 a.m. Eastern Time
Course Directors:  
David Scharff, MD and Carla Trusty-Smith, Ph.D., LMHC  

Participate in person at a local site or join this live web seminar from your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone

The Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy Course will focus on special topics and challenges in the practice of couple treatment, using presentations, case presentation and discussion, and advance readings. The course will feature presenters from the International Psychotherapy Institute and other colleagues from the U.S., Argentina, England, Greece, Israel, Italy and Spain. Participants may join the course at several established videoconference sites including Chevy Chase, MD, Indianapolis, IN, Long Island, NY, Salt Lake City, UT, and Tel Aviv, Israel, or may join this live videoconference individually via the internet by computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.  This year participants will be able to join the videoconference easily by downloading a free program and clicking on a simple link (for more information on connecting, contact  Register for one semester or both.  

FALL 2016 Semester Schedule - Seven two-hour sessions - 14 hours CE Credit
September 7     Altering Technique with Narcissistic Couples
             Carl Bagnini (Long Island, NY)
October 5          To Be or Not To Be Three?
             Jill Scharff (Washington, DC) 
October 26         Reckoning with the Unconscious in Later Life:  A Reappraisal
                          and Development of the Tavistock Model of Couple Functioning
                          Chris Vincent (Hayling Island, England) 

November 2       Is Neurobiology of Any Relevance to the Practice of Couple Psychotherapy?
              Chris Clulow (London) 
November 16    "Who's Cry is it for God's Sake?":
                          Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma to the Third Generation
                          Hanni Mann-Shalvi (Tel Aviv, Israel) 

November 30      Understanding, Assessing and Working with                         

                           Domestic Violence and Abuse in Couples
               Damian McCann (London) 
December 14      The Psychosomatic Partnership: Implications in Couple Sex Therapy
               Carla Trusty Smith (Indianapolis, IN), Presenter
               David Scharff (Washington, DC), Discussant

SPRING 2017 Semester - Eight two-hour sessions - 16 hours CE Credit

January 11         The Role of Blame in Couple Relationships:
                           An Oedipal Dimension
    Amita Sehgal (London)
January 25         Challenges of Sexual Life After Cancer   
    Lisa Anllo (Buffalo, NY)   
February 1          Concurrent Couple and Individual Treatment:
                           Collision, Collusion, or Effective combination?
    Janine Wanlass (Salt Lake City, UT)  
February 15        Collaborative Treatment Planning with Couples and Families:
                           Principles, Parameters and a Proposed Paradigm 
    Caroline Sehon (Washington, DC)
March 1               Intersubjective Work when Dealing Clinically with Couples  
     Elizabeth Palacios (Zaragoza, Spain) 
March 29              Fear of Sharing and Transpersonal Defenses
                            in Psychoanalytic Couple therapy 
     Anastasia Tsamparli (Rhodes, Greece)  
April 19               Second Chance:  Couple vs. Family
     Monica Vorchheimer (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 
May 3                  The Mystery, the Turbulence and the Passion of Infantile Phantasy       
                                    in the Couple:  Working with Donald Meltzer's Theories 
     Karen Proner (New York)

Registration Fee: $295 per semester
Participants register for the full semester of seven or eight sessions - not open to registration for individual sessions.
CE Credit:
Fall Semester 2016: 14 hours          Spring Semester 2017: 16 hours

To Register: 
Click here to Register online. You can also click here  to download a registration form.  Participants may register to participate in person at one of our local sites, or by weblink on their computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. 

Contact us for more information on participating by weblink, or for information about any of our programs, including objectives, target audience, instructional level of the activity, schedule, cost, refund/cancellation policy, instructor credentials and CE credit.

International Psychotherapy Institute, 6612 Kennedy Drive, Chevy Chase, MD 20815

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Open Special Issues

The British Journal of Psychiatry Table of Contents for August 2016; Vol. 209, No. 2

Highlights of This Issue

Highlights of this issue
Kimberlie Dean
BJP August 2016 209:A7; doi:10.1192/bjp.209.2.A7


Schizophrenia genetics moves into the light
David Curtis
BJP August 2016 209:93-94; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.185405
Paternalism v. autonomy – are we barking up the wrong tree?
Peter Lepping, Tom Palmstierna, and Bevinahalli N. Raveesh
BJP August 2016 209:95-96; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.181032
Hospitalisation and compulsion: the research agenda
Tom Burns and Jorun Rugkåsa
BJP August 2016 209:97-98; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.181297


Psychosocial concerns reported by Syrian refugees living in Jordan: systematic review of unpublished needs assessments
Ruth Wells, Zachary Steel, Mohammad Abo-Hilal, Abdul Halim Hassan, and Catalina Lawsin
BJP August 2016 209:99-106; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.165084


Evaluation of the validity and utility of a transdiagnostic psychosis dimension encompassing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Ulrich Reininghaus, Jan R. Böhnke, Georgina Hosang, Anne Farmer, Tom Burns, Peter McGuffin, and Richard P. Bentall
BJP August 2016 209:107-113; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.167882
VRK2 gene expression in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and healthy controls
Martin Tesli, Katrine Verena Wirgenes, Timothy Hughes, Francesco Bettella, Lavinia Athanasiu, Eva S. Hoseth, Mari Nerhus, Trine V. Lagerberg, Nils E. Steen, Ingrid Agartz, Ingrid Melle, Ingrid Dieset, Srdjan Djurovic, and Ole A. Andreassen
BJP August 2016 209:114-120; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.161950
Risk of dementia and death in community-dwelling older men with bipolar disorder
Osvaldo P. Almeida, Kieran McCaul, Graeme J. Hankey, Bu B. Yeap, Jonathan Golledge, and Leon Flicker
BJP August 2016 209:121-126; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.180059
Impact of loneliness and depression on mortality: results from the Longitudinal Ageing Study Amsterdam
Tjalling J. Holwerda, Theo G. van Tilburg, Dorly J. H. Deeg, Natasja Schutter, Rien Van, Jack Dekker, Max L. Stek, Aartjan T. F. Beekman, and Robert A. Schoevers
BJP August 2016 209:127-134; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.168005
Parenting style in childhood and mortality risk at older ages: a longitudinal cohort study
Panayotes Demakakos, Demetris Pillas, Michael Marmot, and Andrew Steptoe
BJP August 2016 209:135-141; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.163543
Depressive symptoms and all-cause mortality in people with type 2 diabetes: a focus on potential mechanisms
Giesje Nefs, Victor J. M. Pop, Johan Denollet, and François Pouwer
BJP August 2016 209:142-149; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.114.154781
Prevalence and treatment of common mental disorders in the English national population, 1993–2007
Nicola Spiers, Tarik Qassem, Paul Bebbington, Sally McManus, Michael King, Rachel Jenkins, Howard Meltzer, and Traolach S. Brugha
BJP August 2016 209:150-156; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.174979
Rates of voluntary and compulsory psychiatric in-patient treatment in England: an ecological study investigating associations with deprivation and demographics
Patrick Keown, Orla McBride, Liz Twigg, David Crepaz-Keay, Eva Cyhlarova, Helen Parsons, Jan Scott, Kamaldeep Bhui, and Scott Weich
BJP August 2016 209:157-161; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.171009
Calibrating well-being, quality of life and common mental disorder items: psychometric epidemiology in public mental health research
Jan R. Böhnke and Tim J. Croudace
BJP August 2016 209:162-168; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.165530 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE


Impact of childhood trauma on risk of relapse requiring psychiatric hospital admission for psychosis
N. Petros, E. Foglia, E. Klamerus, S. Beards, R. M. Murray, and S. Bhattacharyya
BJP August 2016 209:169-170; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.176636


Biological v. psychotherapeutic: Friston and psychodynamic therapy
Jeremy A. Holmes
BJP August 2016 209:171; doi:10.1192/bjp.209.2.171
Evidence, not ideology, should guide the use of psychotherapy
Tania M. Michaels and Vivek Datta
BJP August 2016 209:171; doi:10.1192/bjp.209.2.171a
Authors' reply
Aaron Prosser, Bartosz Helfer, and Stefan Leucht
BJP August 2016 209:171-172; doi:10.1192/bjp.209.2.171b


Parental Mental Health and Child Welfare Work: Volume 1
Maria Griffiths
BJP August 2016 209:173; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.180588
The Social Determinants of Mental Health
Sarah Corlett
BJP August 2016 209:173-174; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.170902


Ten books
Trevor Turner
BJP August 2016 209:175-177; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.175661


Derek K. Tracy, Dan W. Joyce, and Sukhwinder S. Shergill
BJP August 2016 209:179-180; doi:10.1192/bjp.209.2.179


The Qur'an, Chapter 93: The Morning Hours – psychiatry and sacred texts
Ibtesham T. Hossain
BJP August 2016 209:120; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.181198
Sherlock Holmes: the case of the man with the mistaken diagnosis – psychiatry in literature
Yaolin Zheng and Paul O. Wilkinson
BJP August 2016 209:141; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.115.178640
Keeping the Woolf from the Door – poem
Jo McFarlane
BJP August 2016 209:149; doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.116.181651


Brexit, social division and discrimination: impacts on mortality and mental illness?
Kamaldeep Bhui
BJP August 2016 209:181-182; doi:10.1192/bjp.209.2.181

The British Journal of Psychiatry Highlights of this issue for 1 August 2016; Vol. 209, No. 2

BJP Online -- Highlights of the Current Issue
August 2016; Vol. 209, No. 2
The complete Table of Contents for the current issue is available online at: The following content is available online at:

Highlights of this issue

Kimberlie Dean Rates of involuntary in-patient treatment
Rates of involuntary psychiatric in-patient treatment are known to vary across settings and over time. Keown et al (pp. 157–161) conducted an ecological study to investigate the impact of sociodemographic factors such as age, ethnicity and deprivation on rates in urban and rural settings in England in 2010/11. Compulsory in-patient treatment rates were found to be higher in urban areas and were associated with ethnic density. Areas with higher levels of deprivation had higher rates of in-patient treatment while areas with a higher proportion of adults aged 20–39 years had higher rates of compulsion. In a linked editorial, Burns & Rugksa (pp. 97–98) welcome the ecological approach taken to the research and comment on the way in which research in the field has developed from simple descriptive studies of admission rates to explorat ions of the complexity underlying their patterns. The authors highlight the importance of considering both area-level and individual factors. In a related short report by Petros et al (pp. 169–170), the impact of childhood trauma on psychosis relapse requiring hospital admission is considered. The report reviews the findings of seven studies and concludes that there is a lack of consensus with regard to this potential association.
In another editorial in the BJPsych this month, the ethical issues central to understanding the implications of compulsory treatment rates are considered by Lepping et al (pp. 95–96). The authors argue that autonomy should not be considered to have automatic priority over other ethical values such as beneficence, non-maleficence and justice.
Rates and predictors of mortality among people with mental illness
Four papers in the BJPsych this month focus on factors associated with mortality – mortality in relation to depression, parenting style in childhood and bipolar disorder. Holwerda et al (pp. 127–134) explored loneliness and depression in later life together in order to assess their potential joint effect on mortality. After 19 years of follow-up in a Dutch sample of individuals aged 55–85 years, both factors were found to be associated with excess mortality in bivariate but not multivariate analyses. Severe depression was also found to have an impact on mortality in men who were also lonely, a result the authors describe as a 'lethal combination'. In another study of depression and mortality, Nefs et al (pp. 142–149) studied the impact of individual symptoms and potential mechanisms in a sample of people with type 2 diabetes. Anhedonia (b ut not dysphoria or anxiety) was found to be associated with mortality, and physical activity was revealed to be a potential mediator of the former effect. The authors argue that while studies of treatments for depression have so far failed to demonstrate a subsequent benefit on mortality risk, considering the role of individual symptoms and their associated mechanisms may represent a more fruitful approach.
Parenting style is known to have an impact on offspring health and well-being in early life, leading Demakakos et al (pp. 135–141) to examine the later impact on mortality risk at older ages. Using data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, a graded inverse relationship between parenting style and mortality was identified even after adjustment for age, gender and a range of potential covariates. The authors also highlight a finding that parenting style was specifically associated with cancer mortality, but not cardiovascular mortality, and call for their novel findings to be replicated in other samples. In a study of outcomes for older men with bipolar disorder, Almeida et al (pp. 121–126) found evidence of an increased risk of both dementia and mortality. The authors comment on the potential for mechanisms underlying these associations to be amenable to inte rvention and thus to have relevance for preventive strategies.
Overlap between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Encouraged by the accumulating evidence of shared genetic and environmental factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Reininghaus et al (pp. 107–113) present the results of an evaluation of a transdiagnostic psychosis dimension encompassing features of both disorders. Using multidimensional item-response modelling of OPCRIT symptom ratings, the authors identified one transdiagnostic dimension and five specific dimensions, providing the best model fit. They also found evidence to support the diagnostic utility of the dimensions identified with respect to predicting categorical diagnoses.
Interestingly, another paper in the BJPsych this month presents evidence for a genetic factor that was differentially associated with schizophrenia but not bipolar disorder – VRK2 gene expression levels (Tesli et al, pp. 114–120). In an editorial also focused on schizophrenia genetics, Curtis (pp. 93–94) comments on the implications of recent findings that, for the first time, identify specific coding variations directly affecting schizophrenia risk. Two genes have been implicated – one, a common variation in C4 which codes for complement component 4 and has been shown to have a modest effect on risk, and two, rare disruptive mutations of SETD1A coding for a histone methylase which has been shown to have a large impact on risk.

Editorial AUGUST 2016 - Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

E X I S T E N Ț A ca S P O R T

Sportul este o reducție, o ingustare benefică, predominant corporală cu respectarea regulilor convenționale a unor jocuri. Presupune sănătate, tinerețe ,performanță, formare, antrenament și determinarea (voința ) de a învinge sau calmul de a suporta înfrângerea, a supraviețui sau ca excepție pentru a te imbogăți. Psihologia se subordonează (ca și medicina). Forța, caracterul, rezistența, voința și inteligența dau prioritate jocului și neglijează cultura, blândețea, umanismul. Ți-e indiferentă restul lumii, care totuși merge mai departe și progresează tehnologia cea mai scumpă pe care să-ți dai banii. Ești bine, puternic, ești iubit de fani, de femei, ai glorie, ești cineva, ai un complex de vedetă , de superioritate. Durează câțiva ani, apoi trăiești din gloria de altadată, (uneori după o săritură performantă trăiești toată viața) în admirație și respect. Desigur sunt și declinuri mai modeste sau chiar amărâte în ignoranță și mizerie.

În esență sportul e luptă, e meci, e război, implica contactul violent, ura, sălbăticia, agresivitatea, paranoia superioritate-inferioritate, un manageriat cu mulți profitori, cumpanite în professionalism, și pasiuni dezlănțuite ale fanilor cu rasism delirant și antisocial.

Uneori pune în joc sufletul națiunii cu iluzii comparative.

Acum există și extrapolarea sportuli ca și în competițiile intelectuale, dar cu răsunet mult mai mic și cu beneficii relativ modeste. Ce a câștigat Einstein față de Rolando!

Sportul domină și cultura: Hagi joacă , Regale e pe bancă!

Știți cine e sponsorul principal: TV, adică noi. E seară ! E match. Dormiți?

Dacă poți face o altă meserie , rămâi și cu sportul amator și comentator critic la arbitrii si manageri, dar în nici un caz să nu faci nimic și să fii dependent social!

Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA

Cognitive Psychology: Alert 20 July-26 July

Cognitive PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Volume 88 ,  Pages 1-186, August 2016

Editorial Board   
Pages OFC
The dynamics of fidelity over the time course of long-term memory   Original Research Article
Pages 1-21
Kimele Persaud, Pernille Hemmer
Limits on lexical prediction during reading   Original Research Article
Pages 22-60
Steven G. Luke, Kiel Christianson
Probabilistic conditional reasoning: Disentangling form and content with the dual-source model   Original Research Article
Pages 61-87
Henrik Singmann, Karl Christoph Klauer, Sieghard Beller
Lexical representations are malleable for about one second: Evidence for the non-automaticity of perceptual recalibration   Original Research Article
Pages 88-114
Arthur G. Samuel
Frames of reference in spatial language acquisition   Original Research Article
Pages 115-161
Anna Shusterman, Peggy Li
Numerical morphology supports early number word learning: Evidence from a comparison of young Mandarin and English learners   Original Research Article
Pages 162-186
Mathieu Le Corre, Peggy Li, Becky H. Huang, Gisela Jia, Susan Carey