book illustrates the process of clinical interpretation. The first
phase of interpretation consists of collecting and observing clinical
data, and the second entails understanding, justifying, progressively
modifying, and communicating latent meanings to the patient. The book
includes clinical illustrations from a continuous case report of an
entire treatment. The most relevant and revealing interpretations are
selected, and intervening clinical developments are summarized. This
helps the therapist follow the interpretations and their outcomes, and
to see how interpretive problems are solved. (592 pp.)
Istoric In Romania, in vremea comunismului, pshiatrii au fost incadrati in APR, ramura a celorlalte ramuri medicale.Dupa 1989 APR si-a coninuat prezenta, fiind in continuare condusa de urmasii lui Predescu, Gorgos, Angheluta & co. APR se face vinovat in fata istoriei printr-o selectie mafiotica care a coborit psihiatria romaneasca la un instrument de persecutie a regimului fata deorice aspiratie de innoire,de respingerea a numeroase valori care n-au incaput in breasla si au trebuit sa emigreze sau sa fie marginalizati, perspectiveneavind decit cei hiperadaptati la teroarea raului. Persecutiile fata de psihiatrii si chiar fata de unii bolnavi sunt cunoscute. Text integral
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