Este un drept al
fiecaruia sa se afirme. Dar cu ce?
Cu fapte!
In cazul
psihoterapeutului, argumentele valabile sunt relatarea rezultatelor proprii in
comparatie cu cele din literatura.
In acest scop, iti insusesti
o meserie si o aplici, devii profesionist si depasesti doar pretentiile, veleitatile
si pozitiile nefondate. Binenteles ca vor fi mereu si obraznicii. Piata abunda
in pseudoinformatii si pseudopersonaliatati
derutante si obositoare. Fiecare trebuie sa le selecteze si astfel sa se apere de falsuri.
Cel ce se afirma are un
sentiment de forta si adevar si risca publicarea, confruntarea, polemica. Desigur
ca cel mai civilizat este sa publici un material, o carte, sa comunici ceva la
o adunare de specialitate. Mai important mi se pare sa te stradui sa-ti
clarifici tu neclaritatile plecind de la inaintasi.
Oricum este greu sa te te
descurci in multimea problemelor de psihoterapie.
Oricum, istoria retine greu, uita usor si asista la toate dezmaturile. Mereu trebuie sa apelezi la CRITICA RATIUNII a lui KANT…
Oricum, istoria retine greu, uita usor si asista la toate dezmaturile. Mereu trebuie sa apelezi la CRITICA RATIUNII a lui KANT…
Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA
It is the right of everyone to assert themselves. But with what?
With facts!
In the case of psychotherapist, as valid arguments are their personal results comparable with those presented in papers.
In this aim, you assimilate a profession and apply it, become professional but overcome only demands, ambitions and positions unsubstantiated. Of course there will be always naughty. Professional domain is full of pseudo-information and pseudo-personalities, confusing and tiring. Everyone must discriminate between them and to defend themselves against fakes. The one who have success owns a sense of strength and truth and assume risks publishing their work, confrontations and debates. Of course the most civilized is to publish papers, books, to present something in professional meetings. I consider that is more important to endeavor to clarify the uncertainties, having as starting point the ancestors.
It is not easy to handle the multitude of the problems there are in psychotherapy.
However, history retains hard, forgets easy and takes part in all debauchery. Always you have to resort to KANT's CRITIQUE of REASON ...
Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA
It is the right of everyone to assert themselves. But with what?
With facts!
In the case of psychotherapist, as valid arguments are their personal results comparable with those presented in papers.
In this aim, you assimilate a profession and apply it, become professional but overcome only demands, ambitions and positions unsubstantiated. Of course there will be always naughty. Professional domain is full of pseudo-information and pseudo-personalities, confusing and tiring. Everyone must discriminate between them and to defend themselves against fakes. The one who have success owns a sense of strength and truth and assume risks publishing their work, confrontations and debates. Of course the most civilized is to publish papers, books, to present something in professional meetings. I consider that is more important to endeavor to clarify the uncertainties, having as starting point the ancestors.
It is not easy to handle the multitude of the problems there are in psychotherapy.
However, history retains hard, forgets easy and takes part in all debauchery. Always you have to resort to KANT's CRITIQUE of REASON ...
Prof.Dr. Aurel ROMILA
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