* Doua laturi : imprejurarile si cunoasterea
Knowledge has two wings. Conjecture is one wing. Conjecture alone is lacking and cuts short the flight. The one-winged bird continues to struggle, hoping to reach the nest somehow with one
wing. And then wisdom shows his shining face. Delivered from conjecture, the bird now spreads both wings (and soars once again).
* Calmul
In our noisy world, we often find ourselves longing for peace and searching
to find it somewhere else. While it's true that there are places we can visit where we can experience peace, such as sacred sites or buildings, we do not need to wait until we get to one of
these places to feel at peace. Instead, we can learn to locate the seed of peace inside ourselves and cultivate it so that it grows into a reliable source of serenity that we can always
access, no matter where we are.
We experience peace when we are in a state of mental calm and serenity. It might surprise you to notice how infrequently you allow yourself to be free from anxiety. Realizing this is the
first step to inner peace. If you wait until all the details of your life are taken care of to allow yourself to experience peace, you will never feel peaceful because there is always
something that your mind can grab onto to create anxiety. It is important to consciously set aside your worries and make time to cultivate inner peace.
Ideally, you could schedule time each day to meditate on peace and experience what it feels like to be calm and serene. It takes practice to learn how to let go of your worries, so give
yourself some time. Inhale deeply, and feel your worries dissolve with every exhale. Remind yourself that soon enough you will be able to take care of everything you need to, but right now
you are taking a break. As the clutter of your thoughts and concerns clear away, you will start to feel more serene. Allow yourself to move deeper into this state with each inhale. Realize
that you have the power to free yourself from anxiety simply by deciding to do so. The more you practice feeling peaceful, the easier it will be for you to feel at
* Our choices=discernamint
-- Eleanor Roosevelt
* Zbori
When you are in the field of creativity, you lose track of time. Only the flow exists.
* Viata se compune din momente
* Cauza
Some Good Reasons for Doing Good
With all that takes place in our lives, it can sometimes be easy to overlook
the fact that we're part of something greater than ourselves—a collective consciousness, the Universe, a greater cause. Because of our tendency to forget this, we might make decisions in
our lives that don't reflect that responsibility that comes with this belonging. All too often, we focus just on the short-term, tangible gain to ourselves without worrying about its
consequences. Other times, we may discard the greater cause because it seems like "hard work." The challenge is to expand our minds so that we transcend the distinction between self and others,
so we are aware of how our choices and actions can impact a greater cause.
Contributing to the greater cause doesn't have to be all about self-sacrifice. For example, if you plant a tree in a community space, its shelter will cool and protect you as well as your
neighbors. Or, your reward might be in the form of the beauty that you now see in that space or the sincere smiles of appreciation from neighbors. When you serve the greater cause you also
serve your greater good. There is nothing that you cannot do for your highest good that will not benefit the good of all. For example, saying no to a relationship that isn't right for you not
only benefits you but serves the greater good of the other person that you are honoring with your honesty. Saying yes to your dream job not only fulfills you but also serves the people that
will benefit from your enthusiasm and productivity.
When you know you are serving a greater cause, there is little room for fear and doubt. You know that what you do will benefit others, so there is no way the universe is not going to support
your efforts - even if sometimes it may not look that way. Serving the greater cause allows you to live from the space of your greatness. When you know that what you do can serve a greater
cause, you are aware of your power and ability to influence and create change in this world.
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