* Persistent job insecurity poses a major threat to worker health, according to a new study published in the September issue of the peer–reviewed journal Social Science and Medicine.
* A Psychoneuroendocrinology Service
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 08/31/09
Sonino N et al. – In the highly selected population, several difficult patients could be appropriately managed by virtue of a holistic view. Such an approach must involve experienced clinicians with a broad–spectrum training in psychoneuroendocrinology and psychosomatic medicine. If confirmed in its efficacy and cost–effectiveness, this model might be further expanded.
* Are cholinesterase inhibitors effective in the
management of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in Alzheimers disease? A systematic review of randomized, placebo-controlled trials of donepezil, rivastigmine and
International Psychogeriatrics, 08/31/09
Rodda J et al. – The evidence base regarding the efficacy of cholinesterase inhibitors in BPSD is limited, in part due to methodological considerations. In the absence of alternative safe and effective management options, the use of cholinesterase inhibitors is an appropriate pharmacological strategy for the management of BPSD in Alzheimer's disease.
* deprsia tratata cu olanzapine plus zoloft
* propunere de noua entitate
* * vagabatrin in dependenta cocainica
* lipsa educatiei favorizeaza dementa
* stresul psihogen
* ai grija
* se poate preveni dementa
* stresul psihogen
* nou:lloperidol
- The oral formulation has demonstrated efficacy in reducing the symptoms of acute schizophrenia at fixed daily doses ranging from 12 to 24 mg.
- Iloperidone should be titrated slowly to avoid orthostatic hypotension, potentially delaying the achievement of a therapeutic dose level.
- There appears to be a dose relationship for adverse events such as dizziness, somnolence and dry mouth; for example NNH vs. placebo for somnolence was 25 for iloperidone 10–16 mg/day and 10 for 20–24 mg/day.
- Iloperidone is essentially free of extra-pyramidal side effects.
- Iloperidone is associated with weight gain comparable with risperidone.
- Long-term double-blind maintenance studies have demonstrated iloperidone's non-inferiority to haloperidol for relapse prevention.
- Product labelling includes a warning about the potential for QT interval prolongation.
- The development of a depot formulation of iloperidone as well as efforts to identify genetic biomarkers for prediction of both efficacy and tolerability are in progress.
* dieta cu f i b r e
* valproat in psihozele afective
* e posibil
* efecte secundare
- Bupropion and duloxetine caused significantly less sexual dysfunction than the SSRIs in short–term studies and reboxetine significantly less in both short– and longer term studies.
- Bupropion and agomelatine caused significantly less sexual dysfunction than venlafaxine.
- The evidence for mirtazepine having an advantage over the SSRIs is lacking and there are currently insufficient data for desvenlafaxine.
- Well–designed comparative studies of contemporary antidepressants with direct assessment of sexual side–effects as the primary outcome measure are scarce.
* substratul antomo-patologic al schizofreniei
* nevroza obsesionala
* exercitu fizic antipanica
* conteaza si materia alba
* sch+alcool+drog=violenta
* mincatul creste la tratamentul cu antipsihotice second generation
- Did not find any difference according to sex, but the mean body mass index varied significantly among the three groups of patients.
- The DEBQ external eating factor was higher in patients treated with atypical antipsychotics than in patients who received conventional neuroleptics (P=0.035).
- The TFEQ disinhibition and DEBQ emotional eating scores tended to change among the three types of treatment.
- Patients with metabolic syndrome (19%) had lower DEBQ external eating scores (P=0.044) and a tendency of higher TFEQ disinhibition scores.
- The TFEQ disinhibition and hunger scores increased according to the body mass index (P=0.003; P=0.017).
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