Current Issue
The American Journal of Psychiatry
January 01, 2012, Vol. 169, No. 1
Implications of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
Susan H. Busch, Ph.D.
Parsing Childhood Symptoms With More Specificity Can Clarify Differential Outcomes
Marianne Z. Wamboldt, M.D.
Antipsychotics and Mortality in Dementia
Anne Corbett, Ph.D.; Clive Ballard, M.D.
Religion/Spirituality and Depression: What Can We Learn From Empirical Studies?
Dan Blazer, M.D., Ph.D.
DSM-5: How Reliable Is Reliable Enough?
Helena Chmura Kraemer, Ph.D.; David J. Kupfer, M.D.; Diana E. Clarke, Ph.D.; William E. Narrow, M.D., M.P.H.; Darrel A. Regier, M.D., M.P.H.
Jennifer J. Thomas, Ph.D.; Thomas J. Weigel, M.D.; Robert K. Lawton, L.I.C.S.W., M.S.W.; Philip G. Levendusky, Ph.D.; Anne E. Becker, M.D., Ph.D.
Paolo Fusar-Poli, M.D.
Nathan C. Thoma, Ph.D.; Dean McKay, Ph.D.; Andrew J. Gerber, M.D., Ph.D.; Barbara L. Milrod, M.D.; Anna R. Edwards, Ph.D.; James H. Kocsis, M.D.
K. John McConnell, Ph.D.; Samuel H.N. Gast, B.A.; M. Susan Ridgely, J.D.; Neal Wallace, Ph.D.; Natalie Jacuzzi, M.P.H.; Traci Rieckmann, Ph.D.; Bentson H. McFarland, M.D., Ph.D.; Dennis McCarty, Ph.D.
Risk Taking and the Adolescent Reward System: A Potential Common Link to Substance Abuse
Sophia Schneider; Jan Peters, Ph.D.; Uli Bromberg; Stefanie Brassen, Ph.D.; Stephan F. Miedl, Ph.D.; Tobias Banaschewski, M.D.; Gareth J. Barker, Ph.D.; Patricia Conrod, Ph.D.; Herta Flor, M.D.; Hugh Garavan, Ph.D.; Andreas Heinz, M.D.; Bernd Ittermann, Ph.D.; Mark Lathrop, Ph.D.; Eva Loth, Ph.D.; Karl Mann, M.D., Ph.D.; Jean-Luc Martinot, M.D., Ph.D.; Frauke Nees, Ph.D.; Tomas Paus, M.D., Ph.D.; Marcella Rietschel, M.D.; Trevor W. Robbins, Ph.D.; Michael N. Smolka, M.D.; Rainer Spanagel, Ph.D.; Andreas Ströhle, M.D.; Maren Struve, Ph.D.; Gunter Schumann, M.D.; Christian Büchel, M.D.
Adolescent Irritability: Phenotypic Associations and Genetic Links With Depressed Mood
Argyris Stringaris, M.D., Ph.D.; Helena Zavos, M.Sc.; Ellen Leibenluft, M.D.; Barbara Maughan, Ph.D.; Thalia C. Eley, Ph.D.
Rajesh Narendran, M.D.; Brian J. Lopresti, B.S.; Diana Martinez, M.D.; Neale Scott Mason, Ph.D.; Michael Himes, B.S.; Maureen A. May, B.S.; Dennis C. Daley, Ph.D.; Julie C. Price, Ph.D.; Chester A. Mathis, Ph.D.; W. Gordon Frankle, M.D.
Risk of Death From
Accidental Overdose Associated With Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
Amy S.B. Bohnert, Ph.D.; Mark A. Ilgen, Ph.D.; Rosalinda V. Ignacio, M.S.; John F. McCarthy, Ph.D.; Marcia Valenstein, M.D.; Frederic C. Blow, Ph.D.
Risk of Mortality Among Individual Antipsychotics in Patients With Dementia
Helen C. Kales, M.D.; Hyungjin Myra Kim, Sc.D.; Kara Zivin, Ph.D.; Marcia Valenstein, M.D., M.S.; Lisa S. Seyfried, M.D., M.S.; Claire Chiang, Ph.D.; Francesca Cunningham, Pharm.D.; Lon S. Schneider, M.D., M.S.; Frederic C. Blow, Ph.D.
Franklin R. Schneier, M.D.; Yuval Neria, Ph.D.; Martina Pavlicova, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Hembree, Ph.D.; Eun Jung Suh, Ph.D.; Lawrence Amsel, M.D., M.P.H.; Randall D. Marshall, M.D.
Religiosity and
Major Depression in Adults at High Risk: A Ten-Year Prospective Study
Lisa Miller, Ph.D.; Priya Wickramaratne, Ph.D.; Marc J. Gameroff, Ph.D.; Mia Sage, M.A.; Craig E. Tenke, Ph.D.; Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D.
Combined Treatments for Depression as for Other Medical Disorders
Pierre Blier, M.D., Ph.D.
Madhukar H. Trivedi, M.D.; A. John Rush, M.D.; Ben T. Kurian, M.D.; Andrew A. Nierenberg, M.D.; Stephen R. Wisniewski, Ph.D.; Maurizio Fava, M.D.
Erik Boot, M.D., Ph.D.; Sarina G. Kant, M.D., Ph.D.; Maarten Otter, M.D.; Dan Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.; Amal Nabanizadeh, M.D.; Ronald W.J. Baas, M.D.
Response to Boot et al. Letter
Thomas Werge, Ph.D.; Andrés Ingason, Ph.D.; George Kirov, Ph.D., M.R.C.Psych.; Dan Rujescu, M.D., Ph.D.; Engilbert Sigurdsson, M.D.
Additional Effect Size Measures Helpful in Understanding Lithium and Valproate Trial Results
Eric G. Smith, M.D., M.P.H.
Differential Lithium Efficacy in Reducing Suicidal Behaviors Compared With Suicidal Thoughts
Todd D. Gould, M.D.; Adem Can, Ph.D.; Irving I. Gottesman, Ph.D., Hon. F.R.C.Psych.; Philippe Courtet, M.D., Ph.D.
Maria A. Oquendo, M.D.; Hanga C. Galfalvy, Ph.D.
Treatment Resistance and Patient Authority: The Austen Riggs Reader
Ira Steinman, M.D.
Henry's Demons: Living with Schizophrenia, A Father and Son's Story
Lloyd I. Sederer, M.D.
Alison Heru, M.D.
Depression and Cancer; Depression and Diabetes; and Depression and Heart Disease
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